BCC Board Meeting 05/01/2022
Attending: Brad Sharp, Mike Laman, Susan Gann, Frank Moore, Klemen Vodopivec, Susan Woods Meeting held via Zoom- Brad Sharp ask about approval of the minutes from the last board meeting on 4/3/22. Mike Laman motioned the minutes be approved and Susan Gann seconded. The board unanimously approved.
- Brad Sharp introduced Kleman Vodopivec to the board. He is interested in replacing Richard Hicks, who resigned. Kleman said that he will try to be helpful.
- As we did not have quorum at the last annual meeting, Brad will be setting up for members to vote on his board position as his term is up and the one vacated by a resignation. He is interested in a second term and Kleman Vodopivec is interested in filling the vacancy.
- Brad inquired about the status of our insurance. Susan Woods stated that she had contacted Cyndi Jeffers, our local agent, and that the property insurance will be due mid-June, so we should get a bill soon. The Director and Officer’s insurance bill has arrived and we had a saving of $21.00 over last year’s fee.
- Susan Gann reported on the current financial balance. We have $85.000.00. To her knowledge, there is one member who has not paid and she is not sure about renters as Glenn has that information. Brad indicated that the one member who has not paid, had a death in the immediate family was the reason they are late and they will not be charged a late fee. Brad inquired about internet cost and Susan G. stated that she is paying the full amount year around. She reported that the trash pickup has gone up from $100 per month to 120.00 per month.
- Frank talked about maintenance issues. He has been at the pool this morning and has all the filters cleaned. He plans to shock the pool and treat with something to kill the algae. He ask Mike to talk to Darien about whether or not he is planning to power wash the deck. Frank indicated that it will cost just under 7000.00 to replace the mulch with rock. There was discussion about cutting the trees. Frank indicated that the cost will be around 4,500.00 per side to take them down. He will get a quote on the cost of trimming. Susan Woods ask about where they will look tacky if trimmed. There was discussion around this and Brad indicated that there is a possibility of members voting on whether or not to have the trees removed. The main pro for cutting is to eliminate the debris that the trees are causing on the pool deck and in the pools. Frank will be picking up chemicals and should have the pool ready to go within a couple of weeks. Frank has ordered a pump for the slide. The cost is 275.00 to 300.00. He reported that two 22’ poles have been ordered.Mike motioned to approve the purchase of the rock this year. Susan Gann seconded and the board unanimously approved. Susan G. suggested that we wait until we find out how much money will come in from renters, before we make a decision on cutting the trees.
- Mike reported that he has met with the head life guard and the assistant head guard. Interviews will be done on May 16 th and the week of May 26 th , the guards will assist in moving the furniture back to the deck. At that time, it can be determined what needs to be replaced and what else may be needed. He suggested umbrellas for all the tables. To be discussed at a later date.Mike went over his update on the BCC Rules and Regulations. There was discussion about balls being thrown in the pool. It was decided that he will change that part to reflect that objects will not be thrown the length of the pool. He will also update the part about use of the pavilion before/after pool season. As the furniture is stored in the pavilion, it is not possible for members to use the pavilion during that time. He will remove that from the Rules and Regulations. Mike indicated that with Frank’s help, the new guard chair will be installed before the pool opens for the season.
- Brad ask if Klemen would like to say anything. Klemen indicated that he is aware of the need for improvements to the website. He would like time to review it and see what can be done.
- Brad talked about an ‘End of the School Year Party’. He has reached out to a company that will provide laser tag for 300.00. He suggests providing hot dogs and drinks and estimates the total cost to the pool will be around 500.00. He will email out for a vote and tentative date for the party to be 5/27/22.
- Klemen brought up a concern about broken tree limbs in the area where the pavilion is located. Brad will mention it to Frank. Susan G. stated that the state permit for the pool came in the mail and she has laid it on the desk in the guard’s office.
- The next meeting is scheduled for May 22 nd at the pool. Mike made a motion to adjourn and Brad seconded. All approved.