BCC Board Meeting 06/05/2022
Attending: Brad Sharp, Mike Laman, Susan Gann, Klemen Vodopivec, Glenn Brook, Susan Woods 1. Susan Woods, was absent due to illness, for the last 2 board meetings. Minutes were taken by Brad Sharp for the May 22 nd meeting. 2. Notes provided from the June 5, 2022 meeting The 2 nd meeting was brief and no notes were taken.by Brad Sharp:- Frank
- He installed a new toilet in the mens bathroom
- He’d like to install a new showed behind the building for kids to rinse sand off
- He wants to cap the shower heads in the mens bathroom and make into a changing room.
- Mike
- Guards issued 2 red cards
- Glen
- We only had approximately 2 shares for sale and 2 for rent at that time
- We also approved the purchase of 6 lounge chairs
- Glenn Brook reported that at this time we have 1 membership share that may be sold and 2 that are available for rent.
- Susan Gann
- at this point, we have $78,000 total in our bank accounts.
- The amount is more than at this time last year because there have been no major improvements. We have purchased a chair for the guard and the board has approved the purchase of 6 lounge chairs.
- Susan Woods
- the information has been submitted for the Workman’s Comp Audit and at this point we have not heard anything back or been ask for additional information.
- Mike reported that staffing has been done for July 4 th . Brad asked that a guard be placed at the slide and Mike will add someone for that purpose. There was an issue with floats in the pool and guards not at their station. Mike indicated that this has been addressed. A fight between 2 youth, resulted in a parent questioning the clarity of the ‘red card’ rule. For that reason, Mike has revised the rules and provide a copy to members and the guards. The guards will be asked to verify that they have received and read the update.
- Mike ordered 3 dispensers for hand sanitizer. This was a result of the water going out in the bathroom, which has been fixed, assist members with maintaining clean hands. Staff are continuing to monitor guest sign-in and they are asking the guest to identify the member they are joining.
- Brad talked about the 4 th of July Party. He has rented a water slide. The cost for the
slide is $400. Last year the cost of the items he rented/bought totaled around
1600.00. Glenn motioned to approve a budget of up to 2,000.00 for the 4 th of July
Party. Mike seconded the motion. The board unanimously approved. Susan Gann
will obtain coins for the pool dives that the youth/children do. If she has a problem
getting the number of coins needed, Mike volunteered to assist and see is some could
be obtained from his bank/cu.
- Brad asked that Mike talk to the guards about leading the games for the 4 th.
- Mike noted that the pool will still observe rest periods during the day of July 4 th .
- Members will be asked to provide dessert side dishes.
- The next board meeting is scheduled for Sunday, July 31 at the pool at 5 pm.