BCC Board Meeting 09/11/2022

September 11, 2022 Briarcliff Community Club Board Meeting
Attending: Brad Sharp, Mike Laman, Susan Gann, Klemen Vodopivec, Susan Woods, Frank Moore

  1. Susan Woods, Freshdesk had routed an email to me from the Vass family. Brad will follow up with the Vass’s.
  2. Susan Gann reported that at this point, we have $68,734 total in our bank accounts. We have received a payment of 6216.96 from our insurance company for damages caused by a summer storm. Frank indicated that the fence was not covered and that he thought the reimbursement minus deductible had been paid for everything except the gate code system. Frank said that he has had difficulty getting a provider out to do an estimate on the gate code system. Frank said the claim will remain open for 24 to 36 months. He will continue to work on getting the estimates required by the insurance company for reimbursement. The adjuster is Erik Hinthorne, that represents our insurance company.
    Klemen recommended that he and Frank look at the systems available to replace the gate code system. It was discussed whether or not a system may be available that would include a security camera system. Brad reported that the current security camera film is difficult to go through.
  3. Discussed Pool Closure-Date set for September 30 th . Weather has cooled the water.
  4. Klemen indicated that he is looking at various possibilities for the website. He could use some help. Brad and Mike agreed to assist.
  5. Brad indicated that there is a need to recruit for the 3 board positions that will be vacant in the coming year due to terms expiring. Those needing filled is Secretary, Accountant/Bookkeeper, and Membership. Mike advocated for staggering board vacancies by doing 2 year terms for one of the vacant positions this coming year.
    Mike ordered 3 dispensers for hand sanitizer. This was a result of the water going out in the bathroom, which has been fixed, assist members with maintaining clean hands. Staff are continuing to monitor guest sign-in and they are asking the guest to identify the member they are joining.
  6. Brad asked about an end of the year party and it appears there is little interest.
  7. Next board meeting at the end of October. Brad plans to invite people interested in filling vacant board positions.

Minutes Taken by Susan Woods