BCC Board Meeting 02/24/2023
Meeting Agenda:- Call to Order Meeting called to order by Brad Sharp
- Introduction of Current Board Members and Prospective Board Members Current Board members and prospective Board members were introduced: Current Board members-Brad Sharp, Klemen Vodopivec, Ken Weston (completing the term vacated by Glen Brook), Susan Gann, Susan Woods, Frank Moore, and Michael Laman. Prospective Board members-Kathleen Cherry, Rose Warren, and Ken Weston.
- Presentation of Reports
- Treasurer’s Report (Susan G.) Susan Gann gave the Treasurer’s report. To date, the bank balance is $59,805 with $44,300 in checking and the balance in savings and a money market account. Summer Action–OEM fees will be sent out March 1.
- Maintenance Report (Frank) Frank Moore gave the Maintenance report. Plans include removing the shower stalls in the restrooms and replacing them with semi-private dressing areas; add an outside shower; change out all toilets; and replacing the roof and gutters on the pavilion and guard room (part of this expense covered by insurance due to pavilion roof damage last year). Action-none
- Lifeguard / Staff Report (Michael) Michael Laman gave the Lifeguard/Staff report. Plan is to continue staffing as done last year. A proposal to raise the hourly rates for all employees by $.50 will be submitted to the incoming Board for consideration. Action-none
- Website (Klemen) Klemen Vodopivec gave the Website report. Several issues were discussed including: – Report of current progress – Automating PayPal payments through the website -Announcements and communication to members: website vs. mailing list vs. ticketing system. -Digitizing all waiver forms -Timeline for switching to the new website Action-New web site will go live after the Annual Meeting in late February.
- Membership Report (Glenn) Glenn Brooks gave the membership report. General comments about the status of shares and memberships was noted. A more comprehensive report will be given at the Annual Meeting in late February. Action-none
- Discussion Items
- Gate Security System – Options were discussed, and decision will be made after the Annual Meeting in late February.
- Camera System – a proposed upgrade to the current pool/pavilion monitoring cameras was discussed. No decision made.
- Set tentative date for annual meeting – February 19, 2023
- Volleyball Court update – work continues by a Boy Scout volunteer to prepare the court for summer. Various strategies consistent with that objective were discussed; no decisions made.
- Adjourn