BCC Board Meeting 02/24/2023

Meeting Agenda:
  1. Call to Order Meeting called to order by Brad Sharp
  2. Introduction of Current Board Members and Prospective Board Members Current Board members and prospective Board members were introduced: Current Board members-Brad Sharp, Klemen Vodopivec, Ken Weston (completing the term vacated by Glen Brook), Susan Gann, Susan Woods, Frank Moore, and Michael Laman. Prospective Board members-Kathleen Cherry, Rose Warren, and Ken Weston.
  3. Presentation of Reports
    1. Treasurer’s Report (Susan G.) Susan Gann gave the Treasurer’s report. To date, the bank balance is $59,805 with $44,300 in checking and the balance in savings and a money market account. Summer Action–OEM fees will be sent out March 1.
    2. Maintenance Report (Frank) Frank Moore gave the Maintenance report. Plans include removing the shower stalls in the restrooms and replacing them with semi-private dressing areas; add an outside shower; change out all toilets; and replacing the roof and gutters on the pavilion and guard room (part of this expense covered by insurance due to pavilion roof damage last year). Action-none
    3. Lifeguard / Staff Report (Michael) Michael Laman gave the Lifeguard/Staff report. Plan is to continue staffing as done last year. A proposal to raise the hourly rates for all employees by $.50 will be submitted to the incoming Board for consideration. Action-none
    4. Website (Klemen) Klemen Vodopivec gave the Website report. Several issues were discussed including: – Report of current progress – Automating PayPal payments through the website -Announcements and communication to members: website vs. mailing list vs. ticketing system. -Digitizing all waiver forms -Timeline for switching to the new website Action-New web site will go live after the Annual Meeting in late February.
    5. Membership Report (Glenn) Glenn Brooks gave the membership report. General comments about the status of shares and memberships was noted. A more comprehensive report will be given at the Annual Meeting in late February. Action-none
  4. Discussion Items
    1. Gate Security System – Options were discussed, and decision will be made after the Annual Meeting in late February.
    2. Camera System – a proposed upgrade to the current pool/pavilion monitoring cameras was discussed. No decision made.
    3. Set tentative date for annual meeting – February 19, 2023
    4. Volleyball Court update – work continues by a Boy Scout volunteer to prepare the court for summer. Various strategies consistent with that objective were discussed; no decisions made.
  5. Adjourn
Meeting adjourned by Brad Sharp